Dealing with a review or audit by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) can be a daunting and stressful experience for individuals and businesses. At Nagra Accounting Inc., we provide comprehensive support and guidance to help you navigate the CRA review and audit process with confidence.

Key Features:

  1. Review and Audit Preparation: We assist you in preparing for a CRA review or audit by conducting a thorough review of your financial records and tax filings. Our experts ensure that your documentation is complete, accurate, and in compliance with CRA requirements, minimizing the risk of penalties or further scrutiny.
  2. Communications with CRA: Our team acts as a liaison between you and the CRA, handling all communications on your behalf. We respond to any inquiries, information requests, or clarification requests from the CRA, ensuring that your responses are timely, accurate, and in line with the CRA’s expectations.
  3. Audit Representation: If your business is selected for a CRA audit, we provide professional representation throughout the process. Our experienced team will attend meetings with CRA auditors, answer their questions, and present your financial information and records in a clear and organized manner. We strive to protect your rights and interests while maintaining a cooperative relationship with the CRA.
  4. Documentation and Record-Keeping Assistance: We help you organize and maintain proper documentation and records to support your tax filings and financial transactions. Our team guides you on best practices for record-keeping, ensuring that you have the necessary evidence and documentation to substantiate your tax positions and claims.
  5. Audit Resolution and Appeals: In the event of any disagreements or disputes arising from the audit findings, we provide guidance on the resolution process and appeals, if necessary. Our experts will assess the audit results, evaluate your options, and help you navigate the steps required to address any issues with the CRA.
  6. Compliance and Risk Mitigation: We offer proactive advice and guidance to ensure ongoing compliance with tax regulations, minimizing the likelihood of future reviews or audits. Our team helps you implement effective internal controls, financial processes, and record-keeping practices to reduce the risk of errors or discrepancies that may trigger CRA scrutiny.

Trust Nagra Accounting Inc. to provide you with comprehensive support during CRA reviews and audits. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and benefit from our expertise in navigating the CRA review and audit process, ensuring your rights are protected while working towards a fair resolution.